


President Raper

Now hold on, are you trying to tell me that the guy who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and bragged about walking in on half-naked teenage beauty contestents and bragged about wanting to date (fuck) his own daughter has bee credibly accused of rape?

O get the fuck out of here!

Guest Poster Today

Rockin Rambler Dude sent this to me and I'm publishing it on my blog today:

"I'm grateful to McGahn and the others who balked at illegal or underhanded orders from Trump even if their motive of professional self-protection served as an able substitute for decency, or enforcer therof. 

 The interesting thing to me is that legal professionals in Trump's administration recognized Trump's illegal or legally questionable orders. When asked, they reported them to Mr. Mueller. We can all read about them. And yet the charade of this presidency continues, enforced by Republican senators and an angry, conspiracy-minded base. America is in deep trouble."